Building Employee Loyalty With Affordable Promotional Products In Tacoma

Using Affordable Promotional Items To Build A Winning Team


Team building with promotional products as a reward

Here is the timeless question, how can I keep employee moral up in my company. The success of every business is determined not only by its leadership, but also the attitude and “heart health” of the company. Every where you go there is a culture or an atmosphere that makes “that place” what it is. The same principal applies to business, and we have worked very strategically at Custom Impressions, Inc to create a right atomsphere for growth and sucess.

As a business to business corporation we are partners with many local and national companies. Leadership talks often gravitate toward an employee that is causing problems, or the one that is doing so well they are advancing the company. As a business leader I encourage the approach of building healthy employee employer interactions through incentives and rewards. Often times a potential leadership type personality slips into mediocrity not because they are lazy, but because they lack the right kind of atmosphere they need to help them reach their peak. Angry Employees

I suggest to every business owner using clear incentives and goals that keep their employees striving towards the next level. As soon as a person of any ability hits a Plato in their growth or pay scale, stagnation is certain to set in.

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Set up a meeting with your employee and let them know clearly what they need to do to go to the next level. Give them a date for a review and put the responsibility back on their shoulders to produce and perform. If they have nothing to aim for they will miss it every time.

At Custom Impressions, Inc we supply many companies with very affordable bulk items that are used to reward employees. We have seen business owners take several approaches to using our promotional products as motivational gifts. Some give away plaques and trophies for the employee of the month, while we have seen others give away custom company apparel with the business logo. If your sales force hits a certain number of sales as a unit you can give them all a new watch, coat or promotional pens. A little goes a long way when it comes to winning the heart of your employees and keeping moral up. Ultimately a happy team is a winning team that will translate into great production and a great atmosphere of success.

Promotional Item used to build a strong team

We can provide affordable solutions for your team building!

We can help you build a strong team by providing very affordable promotional items and company apparel. Custom Impressions, Inc is located in Tacoma, Washington. We ship and serve the business needs of the entire U.S. If you are interested in a free consultation please call us at 1-800-500-8044 or visit us online at to view our full product line!

Promotional Items A Priority For Your Tacoma Business Strategy


Promotional Items A Priority For Your Tacoma Business Strategy

Custom Impressions, Inc. has been helping businesses brand their company with promotional items and products in Tacoma for 29 years. The testimonies we hear from companies that include promotional marketing into their business strategy always remind us of “why we do what we do.”

So the question, what kind of brand marketing strategy do you have? Do you live in a

Promotional Marketing Experts Tacoma, Washington

We specialize in making your name great!

community that never “see’s you”, and doesn’t know who you are? The statistics of success vs failure in businesses  that do or do not incorporate promotional branding/advertising into their networking and marketing plan is startling. You must be proactive in giving your brand a voice if people are going to hear you! Your brand can be speaking, selling, and building loyalty even when you are resting.A good brand strategy includes getting signs, and banners up where eyes can see them. Find strategic locations to hang your logo where many will grow familiar with your business identity. If you have friends in businesses in your community you might consider bartering with them for some free or discounted  space to hang your banners and signs. Another freebie is printing out posters and hanging them in local stores on their bulletin. As many places as you can get “eyes on your logo” the better.

A very effective way of getting your branding into the lives of your community and potential customers are branded promotional items. We produce pens, cups, bags, and virtually any item you can think of to put your logo and contact information on. These items are valuable, and are usually not thrown away like paper advertising. It’s common to give these items away at local events through vendor booths. Its a great way for people to meet and connect with you, the face behind the name. When they take the coffee mug home with your company name and phone number they will remember the great time they had with you. This is an effective strategy to build brand loyalty.

I recently attended a class at the Referral Institute in our own back yard of Tacoma. In the material given by BNI founder Ivan Misner, promotional items and marketing is listed among the top 10 strategies for business networking. The most successful in business agree, get your logo out in the community, and don’t be sparing when sowing your seed.  By the way, if you are looking for a place to grow and increase your business I highly recommend The Referral Institute of Tacoma. This class is highly effective in educating business owners on how to build a long term referral market around their business. The instructor is Joyce Singleton, a teacher, counselor and loving mentor.

Custom Impressions, Inc. is passionate about helping your business leverage the power of effective promotional advertising. Please visit our website to see the many branding opportunities we have for you.

We are launching special discount codes on our facebook page. Head on over and like our page to get discounts on our items. Just call the office at 800-500-8044 and give our staff the fb promo code and start saving now.

Check out what our customers are saying about us on Google Places.

Cheers, from Custom Impressions, Inc-Tacoma, Washington

Facebook Rolls Out New Recommendation Plug In For Websites!

Advance Your Marketing

Its time to advance! Get VISIBLE!

Utilize Facebooks New Recommendation Plug-In In Your Marketing Strategy!

Custom Impressions, Inc. has a passion to bring businesses to the top! We do that by helping you spread your brand with creative marketing through affordable promotional items. We also love to share fresh internet marketing strategies that can give you a competitive edge in the new social crazy world. We are based in Tacoma, Washington, if you are ever in the area, look us up. Now onto the tips!

Facebook has released a new recommendation bar! Confused, I was at first as well due to the fact that they already have a recommendation plug in for websites and blogs. They also have a recommendation feature built directly into your timeline so friends and customers can give you a two thumbs up.

But wait….the new recommendation bar has features the old plug in does not have. The new recommendation plug in allows readers to like the content, but also to share it with their friends. This multi-functionality was not active in the older plug in. This is great for creating a viral piece of marketing content. This is also great for seo purposes (search engine optimization).

According to many leading search engine marketing expert’s social media now plays a huge factor in search ranking. In fact I have heard many state that social media now factors for between 40-60% of search results. This is a stark contrast to the pre-panda update where social media interaction was estimated to make up approximately 10% of search ranking.  Every like, share and recommendation has become much more important to your marketing strategy.

Here is Facebook’s brief description of the new recommendation bar:

The Recommendations Bar allows users to like content, get recommendations, and share what they’re reading with their friends.

The Recommendations Bar is always docked to the lower right (or left) of the screen. When the page loads the Recommendations bar will be collapsed and the user will have the option to ‘like’ your page.

As the user nears the end of your page, the plugin will expand. The expanded view will show the user a social recommendation of the next article to read on your site.

You must include open graph markup on your articles so Facebook knows how to display them on the site. If you do not include this, the plugin will show an error message instead of a recommendation.

Here is a link to the page where you can get the new recommendation plug in for your website.

In order for your marketing to succeed you need to have both a strong online presence and visibility off line in your community. Being strategic about how you market or advertise is important. Custom Impressions, Inc. has been leading the industry in promotional marketing and branding in Tacoma, Washington for 29 years. If you are looking for some creative ways to get before your customers we can help you. We carry a comprehensive product line of promotional items at an affordable price. GET YOUR NAME OUT THERE, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

We are giving away great deals on our facebook page. Like our page (Here) and you will have access to crazy deals on all of our promotional items and products. They can all be branded with your logo or company slogan.

Thanks for stopping by Custom Impressions Inc, please visit our website at to see our vast product line of promotional  merchandise.